by Holly Horning

It’s Friday and the start of a long holiday weekend.  No better time to turn our attention to the quirkier parts of the Detroit Tigers.

I’ve got 5 questions I’m dying to get answered.  None of them having anything to do with the team’s performance this year. (We’re taking a mental health break today.)  But relevant nonetheless.

1. Why is there no word or promo about the 40th anniversary of the 1984 World Series Champions?  I would have thought the sales/tickets/PR/promo departments would have been working overtime on this.  But it’s been crickets other than an off-hand comment that a reunion of the remaining players will take place sometime this summer.  Is it because they don’t want to remind fans how long it’s been since they last got a ring or is it because most fans from that time period have aged out and today’s mostly younger fans simply don’t care?

2. Why is Kerry Carpenter wearing knickers?  Teased for the head bandanas he wears, they don’t hold a candle to the short pants he’s wearing that are elasticized at the knees and accessorized by colorful knee-hi socks (not stockings).  Sliding into home plate last weekend, the knickers rode all the way up to mid-thigh.

3. Will we ever see or hear from Jeff Greenberg this season? Wouldn’t you really like to know what he’s been addressing?  I’m getting ready to put his face on the side of a milk carton.

4. Speaking of MIA employees, where is Miguel Cabrera?  He’s a special assistant and so far, we’ve only seen him for a couple days working with Spencer Torkelson at 1B during spring training.  Given the lack of offense, one would think Miggy would be here now trying to help hitters in the batting cage.

5. Where are the missing pizzas?  The tacky dugout HR celebration generally features 3 pizzas on a spear.  But on occasion, there are only 2 – sometimes even just 1 – being trotted down the dugout.  Are players using them as bench cushions?

Is there another weird or quirky mystery about this team (excluding performance questions) that is burning a hole in your soul to have answered?


from Robert Richardson: “At 32-19, the Royals are more than on a hot streak. With that record, I think we should now be admitting the Royals are a solid team. The Tigers need a wake-up call by the trade deadline and make some roster moves.”

What did you miss on our Twitter feed yesterday?

  • The Tigers made a number of moves yesterday. Just not the right ones.

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10 thoughts on “FIVE FOR FRIDAY

  1. They should put Jeff Greenberg’s face on a wanted poster along with the milk carton because he is obviously in hiding. I can see a few more going into hiding as the season progresses. The jury is out.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Rather than pizzas as bench cushions someone should apply the spear to the posteriors of underperforming hitters. Got to break this slump soon or we’ll all be echoing Casey Stengel’s line, “Can’t anybody here play this game?”

    Liked by 12 people

  3. The ‘84 Tigers reunion will be on August 31st so we’re still a ways off from that date. We’ll probably hear more ticket promotions and ads about it around late June – early July. I’ll be there – only because I was able to get free tickets.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. My weird question is this: With all the nice upgrades to technology at Comerica that cost millions of dollars, why didn’t they address the kiosks that feature highlights and players from past teams? I loved them when Comerica opened, but they are now faded and in some places actually curling up. They are desperately in need of a refresh (or dare I say “rebuild”).

    Liked by 7 people

  5. Here is my two cents, but first, I wish everyone a blessed memorial day weekend

    Number 1: Maybe the Tigers need a throwback uniform to the 70s and 80s when they had stirrups, but I think I rode this horse enough.

    Number 2:Maybe we’re not seeing Miggie because he’s not a good teacher and the plan is just to march him around every so often to put fannies in the seats.

    Number 3: I wonder what the repercussions would be if one of the players hits a homer and decides no I’m not gonna run with that stupid pizza on a stick

    Liked by 4 people

  6. On an unrelated note but I believe it’s worth mentioning, happy 40th anniversary to the ‘84 Tigers 35-5 start! On this date in 1984 the Tigers record stood at 35-5.

    Liked by 8 people

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