Today, another chance for readers to have increased opportunities to discuss the hottest topics in a forum where thoughtful conversations and a variety of opinions are welcomed.

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Here is today’s hot topic. For this blog only, a maximum of 10 sentences please. 

For 10 years now, MLB’s playoff format has included 10 teams out of 30. Three division winners and 2 wild card teams for each of the leagues. The 2 wild card teams have a 1-game playoff to determine who continues onto the ALDS.

Much of the strategy was developed as a solution to increase interest in the playoffs, involve as many teams (and fans) as possible and increase competition within each league. Not to mention advertising dollars and profit.

But controversy continues. There are arguments that advocate for a fairer system. Others want to addresses concerns over less-competitive teams pulling out fluke victories over teams with better season records.

This year is a prime example. The Dodgers finished the year with baseball’s 2nd best record – 106 wins. Just 1 win less than the division-winning San Francisco Giants. Both are in the same division. Ironically, the Giants were the ones who took the division title.

The Dodgers are now classified as a wild card team despite their record. They are being forced into a 1-game playoff with the Cardinals. Winner take all and advancement to the NLDS. The loser goes home.

Is this a fair system? Is it good for baseball? Or is it detrimental to the game by punishing top teams and upsetting fans?

Should the system remain the same or would you change it?

What did you miss on our Twitter feed yesterday?

  • Final poll results about how fans really feel about A. J. Hinch.
  • A national article that delves into what makes A. J. Hinch tick and how that impacts the team.
  • The Tigers’ newest hire which confirms a new pattern in how the Tigers are retooling.
  • Al Avila’s statements about what kind of free agents fans can expect to be signed.

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  1. Don’t see your comment? Have you checked the rules for posting? Comments are only approved if they address today’s topic, do not exceed the maximum length and meet all of the other requirements (including no all caps) posted in our rules section ( the “Rules” button located at the top of the page). Please make sure to check them out!


    • Two 15 team leagues, top 5 teams in each league make the playoffs with 4th and 5th place teams in a 1-game playoff, then continue based on current format. 154 game schedule, beginning no earlier than April 10 and ending September 15, play your league’s teams 10 times (14 x 10 = 140 games), plus 14 games vs. 5 teams from opposite league. The five teams you play would be based on your finish the previous season. If you are a top 5 team, you play 2 series vs. top 5 teams in the other league from the previous year, 2 series vs. middle 5 teams and 1 series vs. bottom 5 team (2-2-1). Middle 5 finishers play 2-1-2, bottom finishers play 1-2-2.

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  2. Certainly isn’t fair to the Dodgers this year. But any playoff system will have flaws. And the team with the hot hand and best breaks will always come out on top. I miss the old days with no divisions and no inter-league play. Just the AL season-long champ versus the NL season-long champ with no way to predict how they match up. That gave us plenty of water cooler talk leading into the World Series. The playoffs are all about money and often eliminate the best team(s) from reaching the Series.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Agreed. The expansion of baseball, as well as football, basketball, and hockey, and the resulting extremely long seasons and ridiculous playoff schemes, changed the way these sports are played. Were the “good old days” as good as we remember? I don’t know but I’d like to think so. At least each sport had a season back then and there were only six teams in the NHL.

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  3. Is it “fair”? – about as fair as our tax code. A fair system would start with a balanced schedule where the Yankees, Red Sox, Toronto and Tampa wouldn’t play each other 19 times and have it mean the same as playing the Tigers, Indians Twinkies and Royals for the division title. I’m OK with 2 wildcards but shouldn’t they be the 2 best records after the division winners. OK by now you’re all thinking I’ve hit the booze. They should go DH for all and I do like the regular season extra innings starting with a runner on 2nd. .

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  4. The complaint would be that the Dodgers get blitzed after compiling a stellar season. First, they should have played the Giants tougher and they wouldn’t be staring at elimination. But the bigger argument is; is the Dodgers 106 wins any more impressive than the Ray’s 100 accomplished in a division with four 90+ win teams? I believe you could institute a three game playoff for wildcard teams. On Monday the AL has a day game and the NL has a night affair. On Tuesday the games are reversed and on Wednesday, if necessary, the rubber games. Then the rest of the playoff schedule will start on Thursday, one day later than currently. I find it difficult to equate divisions when each team plays 76 games in their own division. I don’t think strength of schedule should factor into Wild Card selection; the current system is working, maybe a tweek would enhance the Wild Card chance. But any unhappy LA fans out their should hug a Blue Jay as he wonders why 91 didn’t get them in.

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  5. The 2021 Dodgers finished second to the Giants in the NL West with a 106-56 (.654 ) record and the Dodgers, as a result are required to play the St.Louis Cardinals in the NL Wild Card game. Is that unfair ? No ! I don’t believe it is unfair. The Dodgers went into the season with their eyes open. They knew the rules, in advance. How about the 1942 Dodgers ? They finished in second place, two games behind the Cardinals, with a 104-50 (.675) record. The 1942 Dodgers didn’t have a Wild Card game fallback. They finished second and they went home. Just like the 1961 Tigers who finished second to the Yankees with a 101-61 record.

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  6. This decision mirrors a problem throughout the entire sporting world. It rewards mediocrity and dilutes the meaningfulness of all championships. It is not surprising in light of how participation is rewarded in all of society while excellence has been denigrated. As far as baseball is concerned, I would offer this radical solution. Eliminate inter-league play, institute a balanced schedule throughout the league eliminating divisions, and finally, allow only two teams to advance to a true championship. In other words, return to the way it was for over a century and acknowledge that only the best should merit the excitement that results.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Be careful what you wish for. Just imagine how many teams would “tank” if we went back to the old system. While including so many playoff teams is greed driven, it does create more interest and fannies in the seat by having fewer teams essentially eliminated by mid-summer.

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  7. I certainly don’t feel sorry for the Dodgers, having to play an elimination game after winning 105 games. I acknowledge that the one game allows for a weaker team to advance, but isn’t that the point of winning your division? I wouldn’t be too upset if they extended it to a 3 games series, but please stop there.

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  8. I think MLB should go back to one wild card team; the one game playoff of the 2 wildcard teams is silly. I think one wildcard team is still a good idea because a team like the Dodgers earned the right to be in the postseason.

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  9. I think the current playoff system is fair enough. The Playoffs are about rising to the moment and winning under pressure. The Dodgers should be able to beat the Cardinals, but if they can’t too bad for them. Otherwise, you could argue that the most fair system would be to not have playoffs at all and just award the trophy to the team with the most regular season wins.


  10. Riding the hot hand of a Late September wave or the “fluke” of average teams taking a one game WC playoff, is not unfair. Teams gel for different reasons and at different times. The regular season is the regular season. Playoffs are different. Just Win. Doing that is metal testing enough. Can’t wait for the Tigers to contend and sneak in on a fluke. I’d party.


  11. I agree with comet. Problem is you’d have coastal big market playoffs that the regional divisional set-up is designed to eliminate. Remember the post WW2 years(47-66) of New York based teams ownership of the series. A set up existing even after the California moves.


  12. The one game wild card playoff seems to be the part most think is unfair (which it is). MLB is highly unlikely to go backwards and play fewer games in the playoffs ($’s). So the simple solution, which was mentioned above, is to squeeze a three game wild card playoff into the current playoff schedule. And while they making rule changes to make things fairer, how about making the DH the rule for any game involving an American League team, and cutting the number of divisional games down to a more reasonable number from the current ridiculous 19 game schedule. In addition, I’d be in favor of cutting back the number or eliminating games currently played between the leagues during the regular season.


    • I was excited to watch last night’s WC game. If it was a 3 game series I wouldn’t bother watching. You can’t beat the drama of a win or go home game. As far as the Dodgers go, they had a “cheap” WS fall into their laps last season.

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  13. As for the Dodgers, tough. They didn’t handle the Giants and should not look for better than a wild card. And, what about the Cardinals? They played the best ball down the stretch and are a more than worthy to play the also-ran Dodgers.


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