It’s time again to hear from our readers!   Today is the day to let us know what you’re thinking on a selected topic.

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We can’t wait to get your thoughts on the following topic.

The Tigers started the 2020 season on July 24th and by the 29th, Joe Jimenez had 4 saves.   He posted another one a little over a week later and it appeared like he was settling in fine as the Tiger closer of the present and the future.
But it has all come to a halt since then as he has struggled with his command and lost any dominance that he had demonstrated in the first couple of weeks of the season.  His ERA has risen over 10 and he is no longer the closer.
Gregory Soto has gotten some chances to close and managed 2 saves before struggling to find the zone in his last save opportunity.   
Last night in Minnesota, Jose Cisnero got a shot at his first career save, and let’s just say that it wasn’t very successful. 
So what do you think?
Taking everything and everyone under consideration, who should be the Tigers’ closer? Explain.

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15 thoughts on “QUESTION OF THE WEEK

  1. Whoever closes they’ve got to have confidence to throw strikes and trust the fielders behind them. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that bases on balls are killing these guys. It grinds me when we bring in our “closer” and the game slows to a crawl as he aims at the corners, generally misses, and our fielders stand around fidgeting nervously. All the named pitchers are capable of throwing strikes or they wouldn’t have gotten this far. So the problem must be between their ears. Personally, I think they’re thinking too much.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Next man up: Bryan Garcia has impressed this year. Haven’t seen a lot of him but he looks confident and has been effective. Tigers have had high hopes for him and he’s back fromTJ surgery.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I want Soto. He’s given up 7 earned runs all season and 6 were in back to back appearances in mid August, other than that he’s been the most consistent. It was a major gaffe to use him for just 1/3 of an inning tonight (4 pitches) in the 7th. Wonderful managing by Legendary Lloyd. On the bright side, Skubal had another impressive game vs the Twins. He’s gotten better in each outing.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Jimenez has lost several mph on his fastball and his slider is average. His command is nonexistent. He will be lucky to be in the show next year. The others, Soto, Cisneros and Farmer will need to prove they can handle the job. Of that lot, Soto has the best stuff and could be a closer if he can throw quality strikes consistently.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Since it’s unlikely he’s a long-term fit as a starter for the Tigers, how about seeing if Daniel Norris might be another Andrew Miller in disguise? His career to date looks somewhat similar to Miller’s at a comparable stage and Norris seems to have the right stuff to be a closer. At 27, he brings valuable experience and also is young enough to be part of the Tigers for several more years if the experiment is a success.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Great idea. The Tigers have many past instances where they went out and got a closer and things were great in Tigerland! 😉


  6. This team hasn’t had success developing a closer in a long time, and there’s no sign they’re anywhere near doing so now. So the committee approach and a lot of luck is my hope. Regarding Joe, he’s been the ‘anointed one’ for too many years now and whether it’s him or the organization’s inability to develop his skill, I think his best chance for success is elsewhere. As usual, the team’s gotten little from his potential and will get little in return should/when they move him.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I don’t think we actually have a closer on the staff, do we? JJ might have some injury issue (lack of control, speed, etc) or something. I thought Soto was our guy (still might be), but I’ve been disappointed. Norris occurred to me, but I like him in the rotation. I was think that Fulmer might enjoy a different challenge, while he works his way back; you never know, he might be another Eck… Whoever we have (and to Mcwatt’s point), we have to throw strikes and can’t walk the leadoff hitter there; we just can’t! We do have a pitching coach, right?


  8. Like the idea of Norris being the second coming of Andrew. As for the’s the old through it all up on the wall and go with whoever sticks. And if not… there’s always next year…..


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