Today, another opportunity for readers to discuss the hottest topics in a forum where thoughtful dialog and a variety of opinions are welcomed.

Let’s create some running conversational threads.  And for those of you still going into offices, here’s a question to take with you – or use via Zoom – as you talk to your co-workers.

Here is today’s topic:

Chris Ilitch has announced that he will be assisted in the search for a new GM by a number of Tiger executives, including A. J. Hinch, whom he specifically identified.  It is also believed that Ryan Garko will be part of this group.

Ilitch emphasized that the Tigers are looking for a fresh and modern approach that will fit in with the beliefs and practices of Hinch and Garko.  A. J. has a 5-year contract that will take him through the 2025 season.

Not all teams – in fact very few – include their manager in the search for high-level executives.

But Hinch has front office experience in both Arizona and San Diego.  He was included in the search and hiring of Ryan Garko.

He also has extensive connections from those he knew at Stanford (there are quite a few of them in baseball) and with the Padres and Diamondbacks.  But most importantly, he knows everyone with the Astros.  Many of those with his former team have been poached by other organizations to lead their rebuilds, most notably Baltimore which did a quick 4-year rebuild.

How do you feel about Ilitch including A. J. in the hunt for a new GM?

Are his resources and connections highly valuable?

Should a manager be involved in the hiring of his new boss?

If not Hinch, then who?

Please vote. Extra points if you explain your rationale in the comments box!

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  1. Not sure, for me; I don’t necessarily mistrust AJ’s ability to participate, but I’m more skeptical of CI’s using AJ’s name in announcing the process. It’s as though since AJ has generally been well received and has earned a certain ‘cachet’ among many fans, fandom will therefore trust CI’s leadership of the search. Not a necessary thing to say, but rather telling, to me.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. As horrible as the past hires have proven, we dont have anything to lose including Hinch. At least he has a proven history,connections and experience winning. The Tigers can use all the help it can get.

    Liked by 6 people

  3. Great idea because when the Tigers had success in 2021 AJ was the leader. I believe that is more important to Chris then injury riddled and non-performing Vets in 2022. Couple that with previous front office experience and AJ should be on Chris’s selection team.

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  4. Ideally, ownership would make the GM decision independently. However, would today’s Tigers make a better GM hire with A.J.’s participation or without it? Ownership’s teack record and A.J.’s unique network make the answer rather obvious.

    Liked by 7 people

    • Not totally obvious to me. Hinch has a lot of baggage this year. He didn’t improve the hitting or pitching this year. He got a lot of credit heaped on him last year and this year he is the Teflon Man, it seems. If we have a 2023 season like this season, will we all be screaming for a new Manager? Would the new GM cut Hinch?

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  5. Although I voted not sure , because it’s not something typically done, I think its a continuation of Chris relying on someone’s expertise. Even though we don’t know who else is on this search team, including AJ indicated he is serious about finding someone who is forward thinking. It also to me speaks that Chris is not as knowledgeable about the baseball realm of things as he is on hockey.

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  6. What, if anything, has Garko done in his first two season that you anyone the slightest bit of confidence in Garko’s ability to turn this ship around? I’ve seen him in a handful of media interviews where his performance was embarrassing, and his hopscotch resume shows me nothing where he’s made a significant impact anywhere. What am I missing?

    Liked by 3 people

  7. AJ’s perspectives could be valuable. But keep in mind that some potential candidates within the organization will not be chosen. Having been in a similar situation once myself, I can tell you that A.J.’s relationships with them may become awkward for a while.

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    • I wouldn’t neccesarily expect either or both of Avila’s former Assistant General Managers to continue in their current positions once the new GM is hired especially if he has his own ideas or guys he wants to bring in with him.

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  8. Chris expects to hire someone who comes recommended by AJ thru a prior working relationship. It’s an unusual situation for the Manager and Minor League Director to be involved in the search for their own boss. I just cannot forsee a scenario where Chris hires someone who might prefer to hire his own Manager and Minor League Director if it were left up to him. It seems that would probably disqualify guys who have already held a GM position.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I voted horrible idea. I just don’t understand the love affair with Hinch. What exactly has he done to improve anything? If he is to get credit for the mild success of last year, he also needs to be credited with this years’ total disaster.

    Liked by 4 people

    • I agree about this signalling a reliance on outside expertise. IMO this was (is?) the biggest problem the Fords had with the Lions. None of them ever took the time to develop their own expertise in order to have enough confidence in themselves to make a good choice to pick someone to run the team.

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    • My biggest complaint is that he does not reward performance. Non performers like Grossman, Torkelson, Candelario got way too many at bats and he clearly blocked Kerry Carpenter. And please don’t scapegoat Avila/Leyland for everything you don’t like while treating Hinch as perfect.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Hughie – I totally agree with you. It took so long for Harold Castro and Victor Reyes to get regular playing time and for Carpenter to get called up. Yet guys like Baddoo, Clemens and Goodrum (last year) get awful long leashes.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. If this was in 1992, I’d say no, the CEO should not include the manager in the GM selection process – but it’s 2022 – and this is not your dad’s MLB. Having a GM and manager “tied at the hip” with the same vision and shared belief of a “Tiger Way” of winning baseball is risky – but necessary to move forward quickly and effectively.

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    • With that statement you are inferring that Hinch is doing it the right way, so the Tigers need to find a GM that agrees with the manager. I am not there. Not yet, I’m not.

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  11. AJ Hinch’s experience as an executive and steeped understanding of analytics make him a legitimate asset to help evaluate GM candidates. He may deserve credit for some of Avila’s most intriguing moves in the past year – hiring Ryan Garko and promoting Sam Menzin and Jay Sartori. The danger is the next GM could feel beholden to AJ and be reluctant to hold the manager accountable.

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  12. My first thought was bad idea but we really don’t know how involved those two will. If all they are doing is giving CI names I’m good with that. If they are invowith the interviews and selection, I think that could be problematic. Some may not want the job knowing the power those to have in the organization.

    Liked by 3 people

  13. Voted not sure. If AJ is going to be around for an extended period, it might be reasonable to have an idea where the organization is heading. If they want him to leave, what difference does it make what he thinks? What is the average tenure of a GM in MLB these days anyway?

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I voted ‘great idea’ but should have voted ‘not sure’ because, on second thought, I think it’s going to be a tricky business to find a GM who is willing to accept limitations on their ability to make changes right from the start.. What sort of candidate will accept the job under those conditions? I hope the unusual process works and they find a great GM, but I have my doubts.

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    • It will likely be someone who’s currently an Assistant GM, may have already had an interview or 2 for other openings in the last few years, feels blocked by a strong GM in his current organization, and feels more than up to the job.


  15. This idea looks good on paper and perhaps in theory but whether or not it works out in practice depends entirely on how it’s implemented. If Garko and AJ are only involved tangentially and aren’t in on the selection and interview process, then it’ll probably be OK, otherwise CI might be better off promoting from within which he could do anyway.

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  16. CI can’t be trusted to make the decision alone, he needs all the help/input he can get on this decision (as long as this doesn’t involve Leyland). Still can’t believe it took him so long to move on from AA.

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  17. Good idea, maybe not “Great” but “Good”. I’d trust A.J. way more than Jim Leyland, for sure. Hinch knows the who’s who in baseball, he’s a very smart guy. He’s got connections with a few organizations. Besides, who else do the Tigers have to advise the owner? No one, that’s who. Love Trammel but forget Trammel. Was Kaline every a real help to the owner? I’d say not. Was Horton every a real help to the owner? I say not.

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  18. Great idea. Its been standard practice in the business world to use selection and hiring committees comprised of various levels (including direct reports) of an organization to compile and provide feedback to the hiring manager (CI). I doubt that either Garko or AJ will be hand picking their own boss, but instead provide invaluable input necessary to identify the correct person. Including these 2 is a prudent move by CI.

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  19. I assume the results of today’s Survey and all of the Commrnts Will forthwith be delivered to Ilitch. Otherwise, Ilitch would have insufficient guidance on the issue of whether to include Hinch in the GM selection decision.

    Liked by 3 people

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