The Saturday Survey offers another way for readers to weigh in on a relevant topic.   So here is a poll to gauge the pulse of our baseball-lovin’ peeps.

As always, we welcome your comments, so please vote and then submit your reasons ( 4 sentences max!) for how you voted in the usual comment box.  Don’t forget to come back later and view the results!

Al Avila has said that it’s time for the Tigers “to build it back up” this year.   

Please participate in the survey to give us an idea of what the team needs to do to prove they are serious.

Totally Tigers loves your comments!  But please remember that responses are only published if they address today’s topic, are respectful and do not exceed the maximum 3-4 sentence response length.  All rules are at:


14 thoughts on “THE SATURDAY SURVEY

  1. I went with # 6 and if Daz Cameron or Isaac Paredes have a good spring training out them in CF & 3B. By the time the Tigers can seriously push for playoff contention, Jacoby Jones and Jeimer Candelario will be pushing 30 so they are not building blocks.


  2. Other. They are simply not sincere about fielding a competitive team. If they were, they’d get a real general manager that is allowed to be a real general manager. Sure they “hope” to be competitive. I hope to hit the lottery too

    Liked by 3 people

  3. It will take signing players to multi-year contracfindThey will have to find some keepers who are either in house or free agents, or sitting on another team who they acquire via trade.


  4. Holly and Kurt I think the root question is: are the Tigers really sincere in building a contender and if they are, is the preset ownership and leadership capable of doing so?

    Liked by 2 people

  5. We hear about the young arms at the AA level, but beyond these boys the farm is not yet producing a viable crop. Where are the position players with more than one or two tools?

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Until/unless they get rid of the Leyland crowd, nothing else will matter. As for Boyd, if they can get a good return (with AA?? ), do it. He is a glorified #3 on a bad team, #5 on a good team. If they can find any qualified prospects, get them up and get them some playing time but they can’t focus everything on the young guys – look at Rogers. Just saying.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I voted “Other”. I will be convinced they are serious when there is a thorough top-to-bottom overhaul of the entire organization. The rest is what Ozzie Guillen once referred to as “F%&#in’ eyewash”.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks nocynic, that would have been my own comment, you saved me repeating myself yet again. Until that happens, no sense taking anything else too seriously.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. “Build it back up” will take WAY more than just this year. A good start for me would be signs of position player development within the farm system – especially at the AAA level. It’s going to be a while and I’m afraid the plan is to not dive into the free agent pool (or open the wallet) until Miggy and Zimm are off the books.


  9. I was tempted to vote “other” because so far they’ve done nothing to prove their serious about the alleged “rebuild” but I ended up going with seeing significant progress from the guys in the minors this year who all need to stay in the minors until they can prove their ready for the show

    Liked by 1 person

  10. My thought is that unless they get rid of Avila, Leyland and ALL of their friends that have been here for decades, and the entire training/medical staff, there is no sign (or hope) of “building it back up”.

    Liked by 1 person

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