By:  Holly Horning

Happy New Year, everyone!

We’ve moved into the ‘20’s officially, which means we’re due for a flashback into the last decade of the teens. Given the struggles of the Tigers over the past 4 years, let’s flip the switch and start off the new decade on a high note. A positive note.

It’s time to get, as Hercule Poirot infamously said, “those little grey cells” working once again now that we’ve emerged from our food comas and hopefully shooed the last of the relatives out the door. I want you to go back in time (DeLorean optional) and remember your favorite Tiger moment that happened from 2010 through 2019.

What resonated with you the most?

For me, it was “Must See JV” circa 2011. Every start seemed like a special event. Early in the year, JV threw a no-hitter and just missed out for a second one in his next start. How many of us rushed to the tv or radio to see or listen to every pitch of those 250 innings he hurled for the rest of that year? How many of us believed that the odds were in his favor that he would duplicate this no-hit feat again?

Verlander won 24 games that year, his all-time career high, with only 5 losses, a 2.40 ERA, 250 strike-outs and a measly .920 WHIP. His best year with the Tigers and only coming close once again during 2019 with the Astros. Both years in which he won the Cy Young.

But in 2011, he also won the MVP – an award especially hard for pitchers to earn.

What was your single most favorite moment from the past 10 years? (Remember, 4 sentences or less!) Let’s share all of our great memories – and have our memories pleasantly jogged by the contributions of other readers.

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16 thoughts on “THE BEST OF THE DECADE

  1. beating the yankees and a’s in the playoffs was great of course but my favorite moment was actually when alex avila hit the 3 run homer in game 2 of the tigers/sox alcs game, which put us ahead 5-1 in the 6th inning. I actually thought about buying brooms to tease all of my “sox fan” friends!! alas, we all know what happened next….

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    • May 30 2010. Watching Max Scherzer get 14 strikeouts vs. the A’s. The Tigers and Max certainly had finer moments. But when I witnessed that greatness firsthand (I rarely make it out to games), it stuck with me.

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  2. Holly it was the last day of the 2012 season when Miggy won the Triple Crown being the first since Yaz in 1967 and was given a great ovation by the KC fans of memory serves me correct

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  3. Sunday June 26, 2011 – I was at the ceremony where the Tigers finally gave Sparky Anderson a proper honor and retired his number. It was a bittersweet day since he wasn’t there to enjoy it, but it was way overdue. For all the games I attended, including a “forgettable” World Series Game 4, that is the one that sticks with me the most. I just adored Sparky and felt he had been slighted for too long.

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  4. August 3, 2016, took my dad & my son to the game for my dad’s birthday. JD Martinez, first AB coming off the DL, pinch hits against Chris Sale in the 8th and sends the first pitch he sees screaming into the center field shrubbery. The Nights of Ni went crazy in the stands and the Tigers win 2 -1.

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  5. So, so very angry when JL was extended after going 0-4 in series that I swore I would boycott 2013. I did ! Wife STILL amazed I didn’t watch, listen or read anything 2013 Tigers. After months of telling friends “you’ll see” was glad (yet hurt) to hear about what happened vs. Red Sox.


  6. One of my favorite moments was when Prince Fielder caught a foul ball popup near the stands, and grabbed a potato chip out of a fan’s bag of chips.

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  7. Taking my kids to their first games and sharing my love of the game. While not technically her first game, we brought my kids including my then 4 year old daughter to a game last year and sat behind the bullpen. Shane Greene actually gave her a ball he warmed up with. Her smile will stick with me forever..and they won against the Nats that day to boot! Jacoby made that insane catch over the wall that was put into the commercials and we had a remarkable view of it.

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  8. June 2010 Armando Gallaraga’s almost perfect game was one of the great games I’ve ever seen ..well until the 9th inning and you all know the rest of the story… but it was unforgettable

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  9. Doug Fister striking out 9 straight Royals toward the end of the 2012 season. Where did that come from? Pretty sure Doug didn’t know either.


  10. All of the above, but Armando did pitch a perfect game. One really good memory happened in 2014, when the Tigers were celebrating 30 year reunion of ’84 champs. Rajai Davis walkoff grand slam to win the game. That was a thriller.

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  11. My favorite moment was hearing Brad Ausmus was done as Tiger’s manager. Running a very close second was hearing that Jim Leyland was done as Tiger’s manager.


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