By:  Holly Horning

I keep being reminded how Kurt and I are the perfectly-balanced Odd Couple in both personalities and methods of analysis. He is the Yin to my Yang and together, we take different paths and different vehicles but usually end up at the same place.

This week, yet another example of how we both independently selected to discuss the firing of Doug Mientkiewicz – and we’re each seeing this move in different ways. For you, dear readers, it means that this blog offers an extensive picture of what’s going on from different angles.

And today is no different.

So let’s get to it……

The news of Doug Mientkiewicz is yet another pattern revealing the inner machinations of the Tigers Front Office. And you know how I feel about patterns. Patterns don’t lie.

And this move has taught us two things:

1. Rebuilding successfully and quickly is not the Front Office’s top priority.

2. There is no Tigers Way Manual.

Back in 2015, Al Avila announced that the Tigers would be assembling a manual on how to play the game. A manual that would set and outline the standards for proper play that would be used from the lowest to the highest levels of the entire player system for the Tigers.

During the winter of 2018, Ron Gardenhire indicated that the Tigers needed a uniform system of play and Avila agreed that Gardy’s ideas would be taken into consideration. A comment that appeared to indicate that this was the first time something like this was ever mentioned to him.

It was a statement that contradicted the original comment from over 3 years ago. A statement that now confirms there is yet no such book.

Fast-forward to this year when we witnessed atrocious play from this Tigers team. Sloppy, undisciplined play in which even the basics like hitting the cut-off man were routinely ignored by the players.

Nothing was done, no one (who is still employed, that is) said anything. No one cares enough. Otherwise, we’d be seeing that manual and watching players being called out.

And now, the AAA manager is the latest to get fired, in part, because he was critical of how players were unprepared for their debut in the majors. Mientkiewicz indicated that he and Gardy were trying to coordinate a strategy for strengthening the standards of play.

Yet, despite Avila’s original statement, people are getting fired for wanting to make good.

It comes as no surprise to many fans that the idea of publishing and teaching a manual has turned out to simply be lip service. A statement made to make fans feel good about the team’s direction and rebuild. The intent was to generate false hope. Nothing more.

Point #1, however, is of much greater concern. It’s pretty damning evidence that this Front Office is solely focused on job security. Not on winning.

There is no culture of winning. There is no accountability. There is no leadership.

There is also no real direction or timeline. Maybe they are just hoping to get lucky.

This all brings to mind the definition of insanity given that the same people are doing the same thing and hoping to get different results.

First, it was Steve Liddle who “retired” after making statements earlier this year about the team’s sloppy level of play. Now, Doug Mientkiewicz.

What do the two of them have in common?

The ability to say the Emperor has no clothes.

And the desire to make this a better team.

And it sure looks like this group – most of whom have been together for 20-30 years, going back to the Expos and Marlins with a big old heapin’ helping of Pittsburgh – is intent on keeping this old boys’ club together no matter how inept some of them are. It’s a group that places a priority on loyalty and job security over winning.

It’s a group that doesn’t want to hear the truth. It’s a group that is afraid to hear the truth. Most importantly, it’s a group that doesn’t want the fan base to know the ugly truth.

We read the hype put out by the organization all the time. Hype of their minor league players, once again, in order to generate hope and credibility. But other than a handful of pitching prospects, there’s not much to pin one’s hopes on.

Yet, inexplicitly, the Tigers called up Jake Rogers to Detroit. Everyone knew he wasn’t ready. The fans filled the social media threads with their questions. Everyone was trying to figure out why.

Even his manager, Doug, who ended up being fired, in part, because he questioned the move, cautioned the team about the damage that can come from not being prepared.

The real question to ask is why was this move made?

Was it because the team couldn’t spend any money on a journeyman?

Was it because Rogers was the only choice they could possibly make?

Was it due to a desperate attempt to try to build team value in preparation for a sale?

Or was it because they were feeling the fans’ heat and became desperate to try to show that a rebuild was really in process?

Whatever it was, it doesn’t make the Front Office look good at all. Decision-makers who initially loved Mientkiewicz’s work and his ability to take the team to the playoffs for the first time in over a decade. A two-year extension was given as a result.

And then a complete 180 turnaround after 1 year with an explanation of wanting to “go in a different direction.” And, of course, neither Avila or Littlefield wanted to comment.

And we now know that this direction they want to go is down.

An organization that would prefer to risk ruining young bodies and souls rather than hear the professional opinion of their manager, who knows them best. Even when Doug told his bosses that two players of his players couldn’t even sleep because they were so worried about performing.

Instead, the organization hypes the “Road to Detroit” campaign to fans to keep them interested – and to keep their jobs.

A strategy that evidently put too much pressure on players like Rogers and Cameron who were promoted and not yet ready for prime time. Both players struggled. Both players had actually been recommended to go back down to AA to work on some issues. But instead, they got called up to Detroit and AAA respectively.

God forbid that the Tigers would have to demote a player. The decision-makers would be taking a hit in the public’s eye.

And we are now all too-familiar with how these two performed.

And the man who was trying to make these players better was punished. He became the enemy.

All because he told the truth.

A quality that Al Avila and company don’t appear to value. All because they need to cover up the level of ineptness that permeates every level of this organization. All because they want to perpetuate that fairy tale about the Emperor’s new clothes. All because they know that otherwise, they will look bad and their moves will continue to garner greater scrutiny.

This is a story of misplaced priorities. Any organization that places an emphasis on protecting their executives so they don’t look bad, instead of encouraging dialog and finding new ways to win, is going to remain mired in mediocrity.  Or worse.  No matter the level of talent.

It won’t matter how many #1 draft picks they get. It won’t matter if they sign the second coming of Mike Trout.

It’s because they don’t want people within their organization who will make a difference. People who will offer valid opinions or challenge the old ways of doing things in order to get better.

They want front office personnel who will simply nod their heads and do and say as they are told. As long as these same people are in charge, this team won’t be successful in anything they do.

But hey, maybe next year the Tigers can offer a bobblehead night. But instead of players, give the fans souvenirs featuring members of the Front Office. That should pull in the crowds….

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18 thoughts on “THE TIGERS WAY

  1. “The Tiger Way” manual is available on line under ISBN-10: 1118510542. For those here that are fans of The Smiths, it reminds me of their song “Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Before” since there was supposedly a Tiger Way manual in the works back in 1996 under Randy Smith. As for Rogers, Kurt wrote recently about Juan Soto being so good at a young age. Rogers was 24 this season and if he needed to go back to AA, it just shows he’s not a prospect.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Gees, this is depressing. A shroud of snow and a dark cloud hanging over the the Tigers fans. Now, how do you sell season tickets then single game tickets? Maybe that business strategy is rooted in the same old stubborn who cares mind set that got them to this point the first place.

    Liked by 3 people

    • You said it, Peter. The view from the ivory tower must be very different than those of the fans and common folk. Who cares belief appears to be a “strategy” not only with the Tigers and their fans but also the District Detroit and the citizens. Let them eat cake! Or perhaps, pizza…


    • Agree. Why would anyone want to spend all that dough to 1. watch this mess. 2. make CI richer. Also, Holly, you say : “Or was it because they were feeling the fans’ heat”. I can’t imagine front office feels, or even cares, about the fan’s heat.


  3. Everything the Tigers do right now has more to do with PR than winning on the field. They want a bunch of yes men who will parrot the company line. One of the most telling examples was that of Kirk Gibson – who almost overnight went from decent and fair analysis of a game to cheerleader and chief PR officer for the “rebuild”. It made already tough watches even more unbearable.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Most of us have already declared that the Tigers Way manual doesn’t exist and have felt that the front office is inept. I doubt that they could even find a “Trout”, to say nothing about developing a player. I question how Kaline, Horton, Trammell. Gibby & now Parrish (not to mention, Gardy) still find themselves complicit in the entire sham. Their silence is damning. New ownership can’t come quick enough!

    Liked by 4 people

    • That is the most damning comment I have read for a long time. How can these stars look the other way. Does anyone have any idea about why?
      Do they need the the tiger money that badly?

      Liked by 1 person

  5. It makes you wonder about Gardenhire. I thought Sparky Anderson’s finest hour was when he announced he would refuse to manage replacement players during spring training at the end of the ’94-’95 strike; he was willing to be fired over the issue. What would it take for Gardy to no longer countenance this current charade and take a stand?

    Liked by 1 person

    • That would be a back-bone and a true desire to actually make a difference. Neither have been seen in the vicinity of Gardy for many years, long before he came to Detroit. Just saying.


  6. If the assumption is the owner doesn’t care about winning, then my question would be: “why doesn’t the owner care about winning”? I would like to hear everyone’s thoughts on that question. My thought is that he is in over his head and floundering, trying to keep his dad’s empire going. Doesn’t have the ca-honies to take charge and instead rely’s on hold-over guys like Leyland instead.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. You have to wonder if the Little Ceasar’s empire is beginning to fail. The Red Wings are still struggling, the Tigers are years away from making the playoffs, and Illitch is behind on his District Detroit pledge. This may be more than an inept and dysfunctional Tiger management team.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Integrity? Honesty? Al showed me back in 2015, when he accepted the GM position, that he doesn’t know the meaning of those words, forget about his having those qualities. CI’s tolerance of the ineptness says a lot about him as well. Holly, you’ve nailed it about job security being most important

    Liked by 1 person

  9. While you wrote, “2. There is no Tigers Way Manual,” you’ve shown us that there is one. Sadly, we’ve been reading bits and pieces of it in your blogs. Today, it sounded like the final chapter (“How to make sure everyone in the front office survives The Tigers [inept] Way.”) The reason we say there is no Tigers Way Manual is because none of us likes the read and what it means for Tigers’ Baseball. Count me as another fan who has become convinced the Tigers will not be competitive much less champions in the remainder of my lifetime (I’m 65).

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Apparently in the “Ivory Tower” (thanks to previous poster) there is no oxygen, in someways I wish Grady would quot and then discuss everything that’s wrong with this organization publicly. The local papers had an article about all the “changes” that were being made in the organization which seemed like more smoke and mirrors than anything of substance. Loved the bobble head idea but there shouldn’t be any actual heads since there aren’t any brains in the organization


    • The front office toy statue night is an interesting idea, but you misspelled it – with that crew, the word should be “babble-head”.


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