by Holly Horning

Today, it’s about quick hits – bits of news that catch my radar during the week as well as connecting the dots re ongoing stories.  Even the quirky.

So let’s get to it!  Here are the most interesting topics that hit my radar over the past week………..

Most teams wait until the end of the season in order to do their hirings, firings and promotions.  But not the Tigers.

Curiously, just before the Memorial Day weekend and timed perfectly to avoid as many questions as possible, the Tigers announced several promotions, a presumed demotion and left another employee hanging in the breeze.

First, Ryan Garko understandably got promoted to Assistant GM for his work taking the Tigers up to the 5th best farm system – and sticking there.  The Tigers quickly locked him into the organization for years to come presumably.

Scott Bream, on the other hand, goes from VP Player Personnel to Sr. Advisor, working for both Scott Harris and Jeff Greenberg.  It sounds like a demotion at first glance. Bream was the one responsible for reeling in A. J. Hinch as manager.  But alas, he is still known as part of the old regime and it just may be something he’s unable to overcome.

Another member of the Avila Front Office, Jay Sartori, has an unknown future with the team.  He used to head up the analytics department.

But now, the Tigers went outside the organization and hired Andrew Thomas who is now VP Analytics.  He will report only to Harris and Greenberg – meaning that he’s now top dog.

Jay Sartori’s name was never mentioned in any articles despite his work in the same field.  Don’t be surprised if he quietly slips away at the end of the year.

The churning of personnel continues….

The Tigers have become very visibly tone-deaf lately.  First, by not answering fans’ concerns about the statements made concerning the signing of free agents.  Specifically that fans shouldn’t expect any signings for 2 years.  It was explained as not yet having a foundation or core of players in which to build around.

But this all came as a shock to many fans.  Scott Harris should have acknowledged fan feelings and said something to help explain why they aren’t yet where they want to be.  Fans were left hanging. Many were very upset if you read the social media threads. 

Sometimes a brief explanation is what they really want instead of mystery.

Shortly thereafter, in response to fan push back, Kirk Gibson was sent to call into a radio show where he alluded to the fact that fans were unjust in their feelings about this team.  Rule #1 – Don’t upset the paying customers by disrespecting them or invalidating their emotions.

Then, after 8 years of experiencing a brutal rebuild, he tells fans that they need to be patient.  This is a respectful blog so I can’t write what I feel like saying to Gibby.  Leave it say that he has now lost a lot of respect by the fan base.

Lastly, the Tigers announced they are building a new club experience at games with premium seating.  They claim that the perk was the top request by fans.

Uh, no, the top request would be a competitive team.

So if they are debuting a premium experience, does that mean it will come with a premium team?

I think we all know the answer to that one.  But I will say that if you want your team to get better sooner rather than later, snapping your wallet shut instead of doling out the dollars is going to get that for you.

Have you noticed how Scott Harris has taken a page out of Theo Epstein’s book about building a winning team and culture?  Epstein said that to win big you just can’t have players with solid skills.  They need to also have the best work ethic and character.

Harris has gradually said adios to a number of players who haven’t measured up.  Trading Kody Clemens because his social schedule was a priority over playing winter ball.  DFAing Spencer Turnbull because of his self-entitlement and trouble-making ways.  Refusing to have contract extension talks with Eduardo Rodriguez who had requested them after all the trouble he caused for 2 years in a row.

And now, players who have been resistant to coaching are being sent down to Toledo in a exercise of tough love.  Alex Lange has been struggling and acted out on the mound.  He’s now with the Mud Hens. 

As is Matt Manning who was somewhat puzzled when he wasn’t called up for the double-header.  As A. J. Hinch said, Manning was given a list of what he had to work on and he still hasn’t completed it successfully which is why he didn’t see Detroit.

And now we get further proof that Spencer Torkelson has been hard to coach.  First, back in 2022 during his first year in which he struggled.  At the end of the season, there were indications that training during the winter wasn’t at the top of his list.  He made the infamous comment about prioritizing time with his new puppy.  The Tigers that winter send their hitting coaches out to AZ to work with Tork.

And last week, we heard that Spencer has refused to change how he loads and swings at the plate.  He has actually doubled-down on defending his mechanics that go back to college despite putting up some of MLB’s worst stats.

Like Manning, Torkelson isn’t coming back to Detroit until he makes the changes that the Tigers have been suggesting for almost 3 years. In fact, a recent article said we shouldn’t expect Tork to return to Detroit for awhile.

Will the Tigers be sending anyone else down to work on their skills?  Baez is the exception because he can overrule any request due to his veteran status.

Which one of these stories resonated the most with you?


from markaumann: “I’m torn but voted no. He won’t be 29 until October and slots between Skubal and Olson as the three best pitchers in the rotation, so there’s that. But he’ll cost big money to re-sign, while Jobe, Madden, Flores, Hurter and Montero are on their way. Flipping Flaherty for some offense wouldn’t be the worst thing at the trade deadline.”

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  • What does Justyn-Henry Malloy lead the team in?
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19 thoughts on “MONDAY MUSINGS

  1. I agree that looking for the premium seating experience shows how far management has drifted from the fan base – what does this quest do for those whose mobility or income make premium seating irrelevant? I can’t get around much any more but I’m still interested in the TIgers–as seen by my following this blog. Get some better players and cut down on the propaganda, please.

    Liked by 7 people

    • Well, jeepers, John, we usually sit in the cheap seats and I can tell you that when we engage our fellow fans in chat, no one talks about why Tork isn’t coachable, where the hell is the offense, and what has happened to the bullpen. All anyone can talk about these days in the upper deck is why on earth don’t we have incredibly expensive luxury seating, with the seats blocked off so the people in them don’t even have to look at the riff-raff.

      Liked by 7 people

  2. When I attend a game, I watch it and occasionally take score but I don’t “experience” anything. It’s nothing more than a senseless PR word that tries to sell the game and the team. The words “winning” and “contender” are the best PR words, btw.

    Liked by 15 people

  3. I don’t mind at all the way Scott Harris is speaking about the team’s future and present. For Harris, Tigers history only begins at the September 2022 mark. If anyone needs to come out and apologize and explain to fans it has to be someone who’s been here during the last so-called rebuild.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I also wasn’t all that upset by what SH recently said about signing FA’s. I didn’t find it all that much different from what he had previously said. It’s abundantly clear that this team doesn’t have the core players in place thus making the addition of high priced FA’s premature and much more problematic.

      Liked by 6 people

    • Hi, All – What should really be noted is that educated fans like yourselves weren’t surprised at the statements. But the majority of fans do not follow the particulars of what is going on off the field so they aren’t well-versed on the state of the organization. It was their reaction that lit social media on fire. And with Gibby preaching patience after 8 years of rebuild hell further fanned the flames of their ire. – Holly

      Liked by 3 people

      • It’s too bad Holly, that the Tigers don’t have you to head up their PR department. You’d be infinitely better than whomever is doing the job now. Maybe SH & company is due a mulligan, but they certainly had the wrong message and they picked worst spokesman possible to deliver that message.

        Liked by 3 people

  4. Wow, Holly, these Monday Musings pretty much say it all! I don’t see Torkelson making it back this year and probably will be traded or released before Tigers break camp next spring. In fact, I believe they are already moving on from him, since he is resistant to make the necessary swing adjustments.

    Liked by 7 people

    • I haven’t had any real athletic experience since I retired from slow-pitch softball…mostly at the behest of my teammates. But if I was hitting .202 I don’t think I’d be all that proud of the swing that produced that.

      Liked by 8 people

      • I don’t know…In six games with Toledo, Torkelson is 0-3, 2-4, 3-5, 2-4, 0-5, and 1-3. He’s hitting .333 with an .SLG of .583 and an OPS of 1.012. It’s a six-game sample size, but he could come back.


    • Hi, dace – I have my days. With these Tigers, some of them are good, some are bad, some are puzzling. The good news is that there are more happy days under Harris than Avila but it is still a roller coaster of emotions. This past week was not one of my faves, but I have to tell it like it is. – Holly

      Liked by 2 people

  5. I’m going to comment on the front office changes and the (more) tone deaf than usual sections in Holly’s league leading journalistic piece above. My daughter showed me how to do a search on the computer yesterday on the Mud Hens Parent Company, and the results showed that since 1969, there are only three MLB teams with a lower winning percentage than Detroit (and, much to Mrs. Bandito’s delight, same with total #of games won). 😢 Kinda explains a lot of the smoke, mirrors and Distraction Dances over the years by ownership.

    Liked by 5 people

    • It makes it hard to win games in Toledo when the Tigers draft pitchers at the top rounds of every draft. No hitters means no offense, which translates to a lot of losses.


    • Off the top of my head, are Pittsburgh and KC the other two teams? On a related note, the Tigers are closing in on 400 games below .500 under Ilitch family ownership. The franchise winning percentage on 8-26-92 was .520. Now it’s down to .503.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Kansas City, San Diego, and Seattle are all worse than the Tigers over the same period of time. However and as expected, the Tigers can lay claim to the worst record overall since 2017. We’re so far in the lead that we will no doubt be able to make the same claim through the end of next season at the very least!

        Liked by 2 people

        • Wow Phil, I didn’t know that. I was thinking back to Chris’ comments a few days ago about how the owners have always cared about winning, “blah, blah, ——“), etc. Your data certainly disproves his assurances in the short term too.

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Whomever sent Gibby out to do this PR bit needs to be fired. They haven’t had a competitive team in years. Gibson is great at analyzing in the booth but to sent him out and ask for more patience is like making him fall on a sword

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, cs – You make an interesting point. Gibby was selected on purpose. Someone thought his history with the team, combined with the knowledge of his health issues, would generate the least blow back by fans. – Holly

      Liked by 2 people

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